• seconds to date    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 新象休閒時尚有限公司

      ...anufacturer and retailer.Taking advantage of favorable market conditions a second shop was established at the Keelung temple business center in January, 2002. The fresh and trendy style of apparel on offer appealed to a wide age spectrum sequentially many more branches could be opened in that same y...

      電話:02-24698676    地址:基隆市中正區新豐街373號
    2. 皇冠造型 DATE Hair Salon

      DATE Hair 皇冠造型,創立於2005年,面積有80坪,19張美髮椅,5張沖水椅,員工有18位,著重於品質及教育,每年從國未引進最新的美髮技術提供給員工來提升本職學能,更能創造更好收入,客戶也得到更好的服務,也希望有志一同...

      電話:02-25178787    地址:台北市中山區南京東路二段165號2樓
    3. 歐斯科技股份有限公司

      .... In our incessant pursue for quality and reliability, we only apply up-to-date production technology; govern by our own stringent quality control system.Our forte includes,•Medical devices/components fabrication •Electrical devices/system box-building•Products design collaboration

      電話:02-22254998    地址:新北市中和區建一路146號8樓
    4. 明強商行

      ...業務經理。English:1. We have established over 22 years, from 1989 to date.2. In the beginning, we transport vegetables and fruits around the south area of Taiwan, and we developed pretty well. As we want to growth bigger and bigger, we set up the business department. If there’s any experinece...

      電話:06-2902870    地址:台南市東區小東路689之37號9FA1地圖
    5. Second Floor Cafe

      電話:0223641666    地址:台北市中正區羅斯福路三段316巷9弄7號

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